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Green Arrow Pea

Green Arrow Pea

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Green Arrow

70 days — 'Green Arrow' is popular with home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Its short vines reach about twenty-four inches in height and are high yielding. Pods average about four inches in length, each developing nine to eleven peas. They have an excellent flavor making them ideal for shelling and eating fresh, however, they also freeze quite well.

'Green Arrow' peas reportedly exhibit resistance to Downy Mildew, Fusarium Wilt, Root Rot, and Leaf Curl Virus. Each ounce is approximately 140 seeds, which is generally enough to plant at least a ten foot row.
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Planting Instructions: Loosen rich well-drained soil in a location that receives six to eight hours of full sunlight per day. Add compost or fertilizer before planting.

Plant seeds directly outdoors in spring or fall when temperatures are cool. Plant 1½ inches deep, one to two seeds every two inches. Keep moist until germination. Thin to one plant every two inches in rows spaced thirty inches apart.