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Ted's Pink Currant Tomato

Ted's Pink Currant Tomato

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Ted's Pink Currant 
Solanum pimpinellifolium

76 days, indeterminate — Although red-colored currant tomatoes have been available for many years, pink-fruited currants are fairly rare. 'Ted's Pink Currant' currant abundantly supplies fruit that are about one-half inch in diameter, sweet and mild, that are a beautiful pink color.

In general, currant tomatoes are very productive, very hardy, start producing early and continue until freezing temperatures arrive in the fall. They have a sprawling growth habit that is not easily tamed by tomato baskets nor by using the Florida weave method. Either leave them to their wild, rambling habit, or allow them to climb a lattice of livestock panel.

We received 'Ted's Pink Currant' from our friend, the late Dr. Carolyn Male. She originally had received seeds from Ted Darnowski of Florida and introduced it to seed savers in 2013. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

Note: Although these are a different species from garden tomatoes, they will readily cross with other tomatoes. If you are saving seed, isolate these plants.
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