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Atomic Red Carrot

Atomic Red Carrot

Regular price $2.95 USD
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Atomic Red

65 days — If you don't like eating tomatoes but have heard of the health benefits of adding Lycopene into your diet, 'Atomic Red' carrots will be good news for you. 'Atomic Red' carrots are high in Lycopene, the pigment that gives them their red color. The color gets more intense when cooked.

Red colored carrots originated in India, China, and Japan in the 1700s. 'Atomic Red' carrots are tapered in shape reaching about nine inches in length. Each packet contains one gram, which is approximately 650 seeds.
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Planting Instructions: Loosen rich, well-drained soil to a depth of one foot, in a location that receives 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight per day.

Plant outdoors in spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Plant seeds ¼ inch deep, ½ inches apart in rows that are spaced 12 to 18 inches apart.

Keep moist until germination. Thin to 1 to 2 inches apart after the seedlings are 1½ inches tall.

Water as required and keep soil cultivated to control weeds.