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Southern Giant Curled Mustard Greens

Southern Giant Curled Mustard Greens

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Southern Giant Curled Mustard

60 days — As its name implies, the leaves of 'Southern Giant Curled' mustard are large, oval-shaped, and have fringing on the edges. It is slow to bolt (go to seed) and is long standing in the field. Over the decades it has also been sold as, "Southern Giant Curled" and "Ostrich Plume." It won the All-America Selections Gold Medal in 1935.

A popular Southern variety that was introduced commercially in the later part of the 19th century, it has remained popular among gardeners ever since. It makes an interesting and excellent addition to salad mixes but adding texture and a slightly pungent, not bitter, flavor. It is also a nice choice for "baby greens." Here is what H. G. Hastings said about it in their 1919 catalog:
"No spring garden is complete without a little patch of mustard for early salad. Our Giant Southern Curled is the very best of the finely curled leaf strains, really beautiful enough to grace a flower garden. It is slightly pungent, crisp and tender and can be eaten like lettuce or boiled for "greens." The Hastings' strain of Southern Curled is the same as offered by one or more leading northern houses as "Ostrich Plume." If you like mustard for either spring or fall planting you will be pleased with this variety."
Each packet contains one gram, which is approximately 350 seeds.
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Planting Instructions: Sow seeds ½ inches deep, two to three seeds per inch, in rows 18 inches apart. Cover with loose soil. Avoid disease by not planting where other Brassica (cole crops) plants have been recently grown.

Mustard bolts rapidly as the days lengthen in spring. It is generally important to plant as early as possible and make sure that the plants have plenty of nitrogen to promote green growth.

Start harvesting by thinning young plants to about six inches apart. As the plants grow, continue culling plants until they are finally spaced twelve inches apart. Continue to harvest larger outer leaves as needed.