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California Wonder (Bell) Pepper

California Wonder (Bell) Pepper

Regular price $3.25 USD
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California Wonder
Capsicum annuum
(Bell Variety)

75 days — The plants of 'California Wonder' are upright, strong, and each produce about four or five bell-type peppers that are mostly four-lobed, blocky, and four inches by four inches each. The flesh is thick, mild and sweet flavored. It is an old, standard bell-type pepper variety. The fruit can be harvested green, or allowed to fully ripen to red.

When fully ripe, peppers are rich in the beneficial carotenoid lycopene, which are effective at scavenging the molecules that have been linked to cancer-causing free radicals. Bright red vegetables are also shown to be useful in increasing blood flow and circulation which is beneficial for heart and lung health.

Each packet contains 0.25 grams, which is approximately 30 seeds.

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